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Terms and Conditions

To secure your slot we require full payment  within 48 hours of booking otherwise the slot may be lost.   

If you wish to cancel a booked class before it starts  a full refund will be given once your space has been filled. 

Refunds will not be given for any course fees once the course has commenced. Partial refunds for missed classes are also not payable. 

If a session has to be rearranged by Proteck9 a  catch up session will be offered. 

Dogs must to be fully vaccinated or have a current titre test report. 

Bitches in season must not attend classes for a period of 3 weeks from their first day of being in season

Dogs with Kennel Cough must not attend for at least 10 days from their last symptom. 

Before attending any group sessions please allow a period of 5 days from your dog having 
Kennel Cough vaccine or been exposed to any infectious or contagious disease.


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